Denizcilik Müsteşarlığının 28-30 Haziran tarihlerinde DTO'da gerçekleştireceği seminere DenizHaber yazarları Cahit İstikbal ve Tuncay Çehreli de konuşmacı olarak katılıyor.
Seminer, İspanya ile Türkiye arasında AB ile uyum çalışmaları çerçevesinde yürütülmekte olan twining projesi kapsamında yer alıyor.
Seminerin amacı "Türkiye'de deniz güvenliğinin arttırılmasına destek" olarak belirlendi.
Seminerin tam adı "Gemi rotalandırma, raporlama ve trafik hizmetleri". Seminerde konunun uzmanı yerli ve yabancı konuşmacılar konuklara Türkiye'deki deniz güvenliği ile ilgili mevcut durum, çalışmalar, Türk Boğazlarında yürütülmekte olan deniz güvenliği kapsamındaki VTS, Kılavuzluk ve römorkörcülük gibi hizmeler ile ilgili bilgi verecekler, ayrıca yuvarlak masada bu konularda soruları cevaplandıracaklar.
DenizHaber toplantıyı okurlarına en geniş şekilde sunacak.
Toplantının gündemi aşağıdaki gibidir:
Agenda of the Seminar
Tuesday, 28 June
Opening Words
Ali Kurumahmut, General Director of Maritime Transport
Presentation of the Seminar
Prof. Dr. J.L. Gabaldon, Carlos III Madrid University, Twinning Project Legal
Medium Term Expert
Coastal States' Powers and Duties In The Establishment And Operation of
Mandatory Or Recommendatory Ship's Routing, Ship Reporting Systems
And Vessel Traffic Services In Different Sea Areas
Prof. Dr. Carlos Beistegui, Oviedo University
11:15-11:45 TEA BREAK
General Powers, Duties And Liabilities Of VTS Authorities, VTS Operators
And Shipmasters As Regards The Information, The Navigational Assistance
And The Traffic Organization Services, As Per International Law And IMO
And IALA Rules
Prof. Dr. Carlos F. Beistegui, Oviedo University
12:30-14:00 LUNCH BREAK
The Community Approach To Maritime Traffic Monitoring: Directive
2002/59/EC On Establishing A Community Vessel Traffic Monitoring And
Information System
Prof. Dr. Juan Luis Pulido, Cadiz University
14:45-15:15 TEA BREAK
The Merchant Ships' Navigation Regime Through The Turkish Straits In
International And Turkish Law Prior To The Establishment Of The IMO
Approved TSS
Ass. Prof. Dr, Dolunay Özbek, Bilgi University, Istanbul
Round Table and Open Discussion On The Day Issues
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Jose Luis Gabaldon Garcia
29 June, Wednesday
The Ships' Routing, Ships' Reporting And Vessel Traffic Services Established
In Turkish Straits: General Technical Desription
Capt. Salih Orakçý, Deputy General Director of General Management of
Coastal Safety and Salvage Administration
10:45-11:15 TEA BREAK
The Impact Of The IMO Rules And Recommendations And The Turkish
Regulation In The Navigation Regime Through The Turkish Straits
Ms. Nilüfer Oral, Lecturer of Bilgi University, Ýstanbul
The Relationship Of VTS, Pilotage And Towage In The Turkish Straits
Capt. Cahit Ýstikbal, Turkish Maritime Pilots Association, Ýstanbul
12:45-14:15 LUNCH BREAK
Non Compliance With Mandatory Or Voluntary Ship’s Routing, Ship
Reporting Or VTS: Consequences In Private Maritime International Law
Ass. Prof. Dr. Manuel Alba
Ass, Prof. Dr. Teresa Las Heras, Carlos III Madrid University
15:00-15:30 TEA BREAK
Round table and open discussion on the day issues
Moderator: Mr. Kemal Battal (Twinning Project Turkish Legal Expert)
30 June, Thursday
The Effects Of Non Compliance With Ship’s Routing, Ship Reporting Systems
And VTS On International Marine Insurance Damages Recovery
Ass. Prof. Dr. Manuel Alba
Ass. Prof. Dr. Teresa de las Heras, Carlos III Madrid University
10:45-11:15 TEA BREAK
Human Factor And Its Relation To Training and Liability
Capt. Tuncay Çehreli, General Management of Coastal Safety and Salvage
Administration, Director of Ýstanbul VTS
Ship’s Routing And VTS Services In The New Draft Act On Maritime Safety
And The Prevention Of Pollution From Ships: Rights And Obligations Of
Turkey And Infringements And Penalties, Applicable Provisions
Mr. Kemal Battal, Twinning Project Turkish Legal Expert.
12:45-14:15 LUNCH TIME
The New Turkish Draft Regulation For Maritime Traffic Monitoring And
Information System
Prof. Dr. Jose Luis Gabaldon, Carlos III University, Madrid
Twinnning Project Legal Medium Term Expert
15:00-15:30 TEA BREAK
Round table and open discussion on the day issues
Moderator Prof. Dr. Turgut Tarhanli Bilgi U0niversity, Istanbul.
Closing Words
Ali Kurumahmut-General Director of Maritime Transport
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