Tutulan  Gemi Sayısında Rekor

EKİM 2009 Ayında Paris MOU Limanlarında 59 Türk Bayraklı gemi denetlenirken, bunlardan 23'ü sıfır eksikle denetlemeden çıkmayı başardı. Tutulan gemi bakımından ise Ekim 2009 kötü bir ay oldu. Bu ay içerisinde 6 Türk Bayraklı gemi, Paris MOU limanlarında tutulmayı gerektirecek eksiklikleri bulunduğu için alıkondu.

Eylül 2009 ayı denetlenen gemi sayısı açısından rekor olmuştu (71 gemi denetlenmişti). Ekim 2009 ayı ise tutulan gemi sayısı açısından rekor oldu. Tutulan gemi sayısı ile denetlenen gemi sayısı ilişkisi orantılandığında %10,17 lik bir tutulma oranı olduğu görülüyor.

Eylül 2009 ayında ise Paris MOU limanlarında 71 Türk Bayraklı gemi denetlenmiş, 33 gemi sıfır eksikle çıkmayı başarırken, 3 gemimiz tutulmuştu.
  • Temmuz 2009 ayı içerisinde Paris MOU limanlarında 63 gemi denetlenirken; 19 gemi denetlemelerden SIFIR eksikle çıkmayı başarmış, 4 gemimiz ise tutulmuştu. Tutulma oranı rekor kırarak %6,3 olmuştu.
  • Ağustos 2009 ayında ise 50 Türk Bayraklı gemi  denetlenirken; 20 gemi denetlemelerden SIFIR eksikle çıkmayı başarmış, 2 gemimiz ise tutulmuştu. Bu ay tutulma oranı iyileşme göstererek %4 olmuştu.
  • Eylül 2009 ayında ise 71 Türk Bayraklı gemi  denetlendi. 33 gemi denetlemelerden SIFIR eksikle çıkmayı başardı. 3 gemimiz ise tutulmdu. Tutulma oranı Temmuz 2009 kadar kötü olmasa da önceki aya oranla negatif sapma gösterdi: %4.22
  • Ekim 2009 ayında ise, Paris MOU Limanlarında 59 Türk Bayraklı gemi denetlenirken, bunlardan 23'ü sıfır eksikle denetlemeden çıkmayı başardı. 6 Gemimiz ise tutuldu. Tutulan gemi sayısı yüzdesi açısından rekor kırıldı. Temmuz 2009 ayında %6,3 olan tutulma oranı daha sonraki aylarda %4'lere inmişken Ekim 2009'da %10.17 ye sıçradı.

Özet olarak; EKİM 2009 ayında Paris MOU limanlarında;

  • Toplam 59 Türk Bayraklı gemi denetlendi. (Mayıs ayında 51, Haziran ayında 66, Temmuz ayında 63, Ağustos ayında 50 gemi, Eylül ayında 71 gemi denetlenmişti)
  • 23 Gemi 0 eksikle denetlemelerden çıktı. ( Mayıs ayında 23 gemi, Haziran ayında 24 gemi, Temmuz ayında 19 gemi, Ağustos ayında 20 gemi, Eylül ayında 33 gemi 0 eksikle çıkmıştı 0 eksikle çıkmıştı)
  • UND Birlik; Trieste/İtalya'da, Nazlı Deniz, Venedik/İtalya'da; Sude Akansu, Kahalkis/Yunanistan'da; IKra; Pire/Yunanistan'da; Civra, Rouen/Fransa'da; Sabri Tomba; Nantes-Saint Nazaire/Fransa'da olmak üzere 6 gemimiz Tutuldu.(Önceki ay tutulan gemi sayısı 3 olmuştu) 
  • 0 Eksikle çıkma oranı %39; Tutulma oranı ise %10.17oldu. (Bir önceki ay 0 eksikle çıkma oranı %6; Tutulma oranı ise %4,22 idi)

Tutulan gemi sayısında rekor

Elbette ki 1 aylık dönem, trend analizi yapmak için kısa bir süreçtir. Bu yüzden 1 ay içerisinde 6 gemimizin tutulması ve tutulma oranının %10'u geçmiş olması bize uzun vadede bu trendin böyle gideceğini göstermez. Ama ortaya çıkan oranın, çok kısa süre içerisinde de olsa, ürkütücü olduğunu kabul etmemiz gerekir.

İşte Paris MOU Limanlarında geçtiğimiz ay 0 eksikle çıkarak ülkemizin yüzünü ağartan ve DenizHaber "Gurur Madalyası" adayı olmaya hak kazanan 23 Gemi:


Inspection details : 
Date of first boarding : 23/10/2009
Date of final boarding : 23/10/2009
Port of inspection : Vilagarcia de Arousa, Spain.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection : 
IMO number : 9499541
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCTO6
Ship type : Chemical tanker
Gross tonnage : 4369
Keel date : 2009
Statutory certificates : 
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
- Net Denizcilik Teknik Hizmet, Turkey
Areas inspected : 
- Navigation bridge


Inspection details : 
Date of first boarding : 26/10/2009
Date of final boarding : 27/10/2009
Port of inspection : Hamina, Finland.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection : 
IMO number : 9411927
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCTC2
Ship type : Chemical tanker
Gross tonnage : 7246
Keel date : 2007
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates : 
- International Anti-fouling System Certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Certificate Bunker oil pollution damage is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Spain on 13/01/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Danger.chemical bulk cof/ibc-code  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Spain on 13/01/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Spain on 13/01/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Spain on 13/01/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
- Chemfleet, Turkey
- Atlas chemical tankers, Norway
Areas inspected : 
- Engine and steering room


Inspection details : 
Date of first boarding : 28/10/2009
Date of final boarding : 28/10/2009
Port of inspection : Burgas, Bulgaria.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection : 
IMO number : 9358759
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCOK2
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 3816
Keel date : 2005
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates : 
- International Anti-fouling System Certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 07/04/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
- Akaylar Deniz Nakliyat, Turkey
Areas inspected : 
- Accommodation and galley
- Cargo holds / tanks
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle


Inspection details : 
Date of first boarding : 20/10/2009
Date of final boarding : 20/10/2009
Port of inspection : Constanta, Romania.
Type of inspection : More detailed inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection : 
IMO number : 8121719
Name : ALI AGA
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCTF3
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 1998
Keel date : 1982
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates : 
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 27/08/2009 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 24/10/2008 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 24/10/2008 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 24/10/2008 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
Ship manager
- Ayden Deniz Tasimaciligi Ve, Turkey
Areas inspected : 
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Communication equipment
- Emergency fire pump
- Emergency steering
- Other


Inspection details : 
Date of first boarding : 15/10/2009
Date of final boarding : 15/10/2009
Port of inspection : Elefsis, Greece.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection : 
IMO number : 8218378
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCBS3
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 1249
Keel date : 1982
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates : 
- International Anti-fouling System Certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 23/03/2009 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
Ship manager
- Temel Kum Cakil, Turkey
Areas inspected : 
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Emergency steering


Inspection details : 
Date of first boarding : 12/10/2009
Date of final boarding : 12/10/2009
Port of inspection : Chalkis, Greece.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection : 
IMO number : 8212336
Name : ANNA M
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCAD8
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 998
Keel date : 1982
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates : 
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 17/09/2009 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) last survey in Turkey on 17/03/2009 by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
Ship manager
- Dalyan Denizcilik, Turkey
Areas inspected : 
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
Operational controls carried out
- Abandon ship drill
- Emergency fire pump
- Emergency steering
- 15 ppm OWS tested


Inspection details : 
Date of first boarding : 16/10/2009
Date of final boarding : 16/10/2009
Port of inspection : Porto empedo, Italy.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection : 
IMO number : 9065194
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCAM
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 2857
Keel date : 1992
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates : 
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 26/05/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
- Dadaylilar Deniz, Turkey
Areas inspected : 
- Accommodation and galley
- Outside decks and forecastle


Inspection details : 
Date of first boarding : 20/10/2009
Date of final boarding : 20/10/2009
Port of inspection : Valencia, Spain.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection : 
IMO number : 8415639
Name : AYSE A
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCME
Ship type : Containership
Gross tonnage : 10282
Keel date : 1985
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates : 
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL) last survey in Turkey on 25/07/2009 by Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL) last survey in Turkey on 25/07/2009 by Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL) last survey in Turkey on 25/07/2009 by Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
Ship manager
- Arkas Holding AS, Turkey
Areas inspected : 
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle


Inspection details : 
Date of first boarding : 13/10/2009
Date of final boarding : 13/10/2009
Port of inspection : Kavkaz, Russian Federation.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection : 
IMO number : 9403906
Name : AYSE S
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCPN8
Ship type : Chemical tanker
Gross tonnage : 3892
Keel date : 2006
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates : 
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 03/04/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 03/04/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Danger.chemical bulk cof/ibc-code  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 03/04/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 03/04/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
- Sener Petrol Denizcilik Tic AS, Balat Murselpasa Caddesi No243,Fatih, Istanbul, Turkey
Areas inspected : 
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
Operational controls carried out
- Abandon ship drill
- Communication equipment
- Emergency fire pump
- Emergency steering


Inspection details : 
Date of first boarding : 06/10/2009
Date of final boarding : 06/10/2009
Port of inspection : Constanta, Romania.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection : 
IMO number : 9303895
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCCR5
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 1919
Keel date : 2002
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates : 
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Ceskoslovensky Lodin Register (CS)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 14/08/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
- Selmar Denizcilik Sanayi, Turkey
Areas inspected : 
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Emergency fire pump


Inspection details : 
Date of first boarding : 06/10/2009
Date of final boarding : 06/10/2009
Port of inspection : Varna, Bulgaria.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection : 
IMO number : 9464273
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCWP2
Ship type : Chemical tanker
Gross tonnage : 2222
Keel date : 2007
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates : 
- International Anti-fouling System Certificate is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- International sewage pollution prevention certific is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Other (Class Not Specified)
Ship manager
Areas inspected : 
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle


Inspection details : 
Date of first boarding : 07/10/2009
Date of final boarding : 08/10/2009
Port of inspection : Mangalia, Romania.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection : 
IMO number : 7827342
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCEW
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 1991
Keel date : 1980
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates : 
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Other (Class Not Specified) last survey in Turkey on 26/05/2009 by Turkey
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) last survey in Turkey on 30/11/2008 by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
Ship manager
- Kanlar Denizcilik Insaat, Turkey
Areas inspected : 
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Communication equipment


Inspection details : 
Date of first boarding : 23/10/2009
Date of final boarding : 23/10/2009
Port of inspection : Chalkis, Greece.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection : 
IMO number : 7808542
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCAJ5
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 936
Keel date : 1978
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates : 
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
Ship manager
- Aleria Shipping AS, Turkey
Areas inspected : 
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Emergency fire pump
- Emergency generator
- Emergency steering


Inspection details : 
Date of first boarding : 15/10/2009
Date of final boarding : 20/10/2009
Port of inspection : Sète, France.
Type of inspection : More detailed inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection : 
IMO number : 9352183
Name : GUNDEM 3
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCSN9
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 2925
Keel date : 2005
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates : 
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Doc.of compliance dangerous goods  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 13/04/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 13/04/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 13/04/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
- Gisan Gemi Insa Sanayi, Turkey
Areas inspected : 
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Communication equipment
- Emergency fire pump
- Emergency generator
- Emergency steering
- Other


Inspection details : 
Date of first boarding : 13/10/2009
Date of final boarding : 13/10/2009
Port of inspection : Constanta, Romania.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection : 
IMO number : 9001162
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCPS
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 2880
Keel date : 1989
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates : 
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) last survey in Turkey on 14/09/2009 by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
Ship manager
- Genc Kaptan Denizcilik, Turkey
Areas inspected : 
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle


Inspection details : 
Date of first boarding : 22/10/2009
Date of final boarding : 22/10/2009
Port of inspection : Constanta, Romania.
Type of inspection : More detailed inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection : 
IMO number : 8139235
Name : MINE-S
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCNB
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 2401
Keel date : 1978
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates : 
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 05/06/2009 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
Ship manager
- Kamer Denizcilik, Turkey
- SC Histria Ship Management SRL, Constanta, Romania
Areas inspected : 
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Communication equipment
- Emergency fire pump
- Emergency steering
- Fire drill
- Other
- 15 ppm OWS tested


Inspection details : 
Date of first boarding : 12/10/2009
Date of final boarding : 12/10/2009
Port of inspection : Constanta, Romania.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection : 
IMO number : 9357078
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCOJ3
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 1587
Keel date : 1998
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates : 
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
Ship manager
- Imamoglu Denizcilik Ve Kara, Turkey
Areas inspected : 
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle


Inspection details : 
Date of first boarding : 19/10/2009
Date of final boarding : 19/10/2009
Port of inspection : Burgas, Bulgaria.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection : 
IMO number : 9386249
Name : OZAY-5
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCSM8
Ship type : Chemical tanker
Gross tonnage : 8195
Keel date : 2005
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates : 
- International Anti-fouling System Certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 05/10/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 05/10/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 05/10/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
- Blue Tankers Ltd, Turkey
- LITASCO, Switzerland
Areas inspected : 
- Accommodation and galley
- Cargo holds / tanks
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle


Inspection details : 
Date of first boarding : 12/10/2009
Date of final boarding : 12/10/2009
Port of inspection : Marseille (PA), France.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection : 
IMO number : 9330434
Name : PULI
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCSN7
Ship type : Chemical tanker
Gross tonnage : 10544
Keel date : 2006
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates : 
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International sewage pollution prevention certific is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 13/01/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Danger.chemical bulk cof/ibc-code  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 13/01/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 26/08/2008 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
- KTankering & Ship Management, Turkey
Areas inspected : 
- Navigation bridge


Inspection details : 
Date of first boarding : 21/10/2009
Date of final boarding : 21/10/2009
Port of inspection : Chioggia, Italy.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection : 
IMO number : 8619833
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCAO5
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 1246
Keel date : 1982
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates : 
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) last survey in Turkey on 27/08/2008 by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
Ship manager
- Rayben Denizcilik ve Ticaret, Turkey


Inspection details : 
Date of first boarding : 01/10/2009
Date of final boarding : 01/10/2009
Port of inspection : Burgas, Bulgaria.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection : 
IMO number : 9391452
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCTA9
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 4179
Keel date : 2006
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates : 
- International Anti-fouling System Certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
- Karma Gemi Isletmeciligi, Turkey
Areas inspected : 
- Accommodation and galley
- Cargo holds / tanks
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle


Inspection details : 
Date of first boarding : 14/10/2009
Date of final boarding : 14/10/2009
Port of inspection : Constanta, Romania.
Type of inspection : More detailed inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection : 
IMO number : 7721885
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCEG
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 2163
Keel date : 1977
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates : 
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
Ship manager
- Genc Denizcilik, Turkey
Areas inspected : 
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Communication equipment
- Emergency fire pump
- Emergency steering
- Fire drill
- 15 ppm OWS tested


Inspection details : 
Date of first boarding : 06/10/2009
Date of final boarding : 06/10/2009
Port of inspection : Constanta, Romania.
Type of inspection : More detailed inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection : 
IMO number : 8132598
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCAU2
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 942
Keel date : 1978
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates : 
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Other (Class Not Specified)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 22/10/2008 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 22/10/2008 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
Ship manager
- Doganbey Denizcilik, Turkey
Areas inspected : 
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Communication equipment
- Emergency fire pump
- Emergency steering
- Fire drill
- Other

Editör: TE Bilişim