Aralık'09 Gurur Madalyasına 30 Aday

ARALIK 2009 Ayında Paris MOU Limanlarında 61 Türk Bayraklı gemi denetlenirken, bunlardan 30'u sıfır eksikle denetlenmeden çıkmayı başardı. Denetlenen 61 gemiden 3'ü tutuldu. Aralık 2009 ayı; Denetlenen/Sıfır Eksikle Çıkan gemi oranı açısından en başarılı aylardan birisi oldu.

  • Temmuz 2009 ayı içerisinde Paris MOU limanlarında 63 gemi denetlenirken; 19 gemi denetlemelerden SIFIR eksikle çıkmayı başarmış, 4 gemimiz ise tutulmuştu. Tutulma oranı rekor kırarak %6,3 olmuştu.
  • Ağustos 2009 ayında ise 50 Türk Bayraklı gemi  denetlenirken; 20 gemi denetlemelerden SIFIR eksikle çıkmayı başarmış, 2 gemimiz ise tutulmuştu. Bu ay tutulma oranı iyileşme göstererek %4 olmuştu.
  • Eylül 2009 ayında ise 71 Türk Bayraklı gemi  denetlendi. 33 gemi denetlemelerden SIFIR eksikle çıkmayı başardı. 3 gemimiz ise tutulmdu. Tutulma oranı Temmuz 2009 kadar kötü olmasa da önceki aya oranla negatif sapma gösterdi: %4.22
  • Ekim 2009 ayında ise, Paris MOU Limanlarında 59 Türk Bayraklı gemi denetlenirken, bunlardan 23'ü sıfır eksikle denetlemeden çıkmayı başarmış, 6 Gemimiz ise tutulmuştu. Tutulan gemi sayısı yüzdesi açısından rekor kırılmıştı. Temmuz 2009 ayında %6,3 olan tutulma oranı daha sonraki aylarda %4'lere inmişken Ekim 2009'da %10.17 ye sıçramıştı. 
  • Kasım 2009'da 70 gemimiz denetlenirken 31'i 0 eksikle çıkmış, 2 gemimiz tutulmuştu. Tutulma oranı ise%2,86 olarak gerçekleşmişti.
  • Aralık 2009'da ise denetlenen 61 gemiden 30'u sıfır eksikle çıkarken 3 gemimiz ise tutuldu.  Tutulma oranı %4,91 olarak gerçekleşti.

Özet olarak; ARALIK 2009 ayında Paris MOU limanlarında;

  • Toplam 61 Türk Bayraklı gemi denetlendi. (Mayıs ayında 51, Haziran ayında 66, Temmuz ayında 63, Ağustos ayında 50 gemi, Eylül ayında 71, Ekim ayında 56, Kasım ayında 70 gemi denetlenmişti)
  • 30 Gemi 0 eksikle denetlemelerden çıktı. ( Mayıs ayında 23 gemi, Haziran ayında 24 gemi, Temmuz ayında 19 gemi, Ağustos ayında 20 gemi, Eylül ayında 33 gemi, Ekim Ayında 23 Gemi, Kasım ayında 31 gemi  0 eksikle çıkmıştı)
  •  İBRAHİM USTAOĞLU 1 adlı gemi Tulcea, Romanya,CHIOS adlı gemi Chios/Yunanistan;  ve BORA GENÇ adlı gemi Köstence/Romanya olmak üzere 3 gemimiz tutuldu. (Önceki ay tutulan gemi sayısı 2 olmuştu) 
  • 0 Eksikle çıkma oranı %49,1; Tutulma oranı ise %4,91 oldu. (Bir önceki ay 0 eksikle çıkma oranı %40 Tutulma oranı ise %2,86 idi)


Türk Bayraklı gemilerin Paris MOU limanlarındaki durumu olumlu bir şekilde sürüyor. Bu ay dikkati çeken "Komşu" ülkelerdeki tutulmalar oldu. Paris MOU'nun daha "Avrupalı" sayılabilecek ülkelerinde hiç gemimiz tutulmazken, Yunanistan'da 1 gemimiz (Üstelik Sakıs Adası'na sefer yapan Ro-Ro gemisi) tutulurken Romanya da 2 gemimizi birde alıkoydu. Karadeniz ülkeleri Limanlarındaki Paris MOU denetlemeleri üzerindeki spekülasyonları ortadan kaldırmak için Romanya daha sıkı denetleme mi yapıyor, bunu önümüzdeki aylar gösterecek.


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding :10/12/2009
Date of final boarding :10/12/2009
Port of inspection :Constanta, Romania.
Type of inspection :Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) :0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number :7725568
Flag :Turkey
Callsign :TCSQ3
Ship type :General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage :3127
Keel date :1978
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates :
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Other (Class Not Specified)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 18/09/2009 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 18/09/2009 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 18/09/2009 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 10/04/2009 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
Ship manager
- Aspet Gemi Tankerciligi, Turkey
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle

Inspection details :
Date of first boarding :02/12/2009
Date of final boarding :02/12/2009
Port of inspection :Constanta, Romania.
Type of inspection :Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) :0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number :9394210
Flag :Turkey
Callsign :TCCX8
Ship type :General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage :2991
Keel date :2006
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates :
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 05/10/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 05/10/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 16/09/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
- Grup Denizcilik, Turkey
- NOBLE, LONDON, United Kingdom
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle

Inspection details :
Date of first boarding :10/12/2009
Date of final boarding :10/12/2009
Port of inspection :Elefsis, Greece.
Type of inspection :Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) :0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number :7900297
Flag :Turkey
Callsign :TCWN
Ship type :General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage :4568
Keel date :1980
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates :
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Poland on 06/10/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Poland on 06/10/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
- Azak Shipping & Trading Co Ltd, Turkey
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Emergency fire pump
- Emergency steering

Inspection details :
Date of first boarding :22/12/2009
Date of final boarding :22/12/2009
Port of inspection :Elefsis, Greece.
Type of inspection :Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) :0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number :9146405
Flag :Turkey
Callsign :TCQO
Ship type :General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage :3448
Keel date :1995
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates :
- International Anti-fouling System Certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Doc.of compliance dangerous goods  is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 08/06/2009 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 08/06/2009 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
Ship manager
- Imamogullari Kum Cakil, Turkey
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Emergency fire pump
- Emergency steering
- 15 ppm OWS tested

Inspection details :
Date of first boarding :18/12/2009
Date of final boarding :18/12/2009
Port of inspection :Elefsis, Greece.
Type of inspection :Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) :0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number :8880157
Flag :Turkey
Callsign :TCBV6
Ship type :General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage :995
Keel date :1991
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates :
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Other (Class Not Specified)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 03/11/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
- Haslaman Deniz Ticaret Ltd Sti, Turkey
Areas inspected :
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle

Inspection details :
Date of first boarding :17/12/2009
Date of final boarding :17/12/2009
Port of inspection :Constanta, Romania.
Type of inspection :More detailed inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) :0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number :7525592
Name :DUYDEN -2
Flag :Turkey
Callsign :TCON4
Ship type :General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage :2551
Keel date :1976
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates :
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 04/09/2009 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL) last survey in Turkey on 31/08/2009 by Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
Ship manager
- DMV Denizcilik Ltd Sti, Turkey
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Communication equipment
- Emergency fire pump
- Emergency steering
- Fire drill
- Other
- 15 ppm OWS tested

Inspection details :
Date of first boarding :03/12/2009
Date of final boarding :03/12/2009
Port of inspection :Volos, Greece.
Type of inspection :More detailed inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) :0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number :8322210
Flag :Turkey
Callsign :TCDG
Ship type :Other
Gross tonnage :6819
Keel date :1984
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates :
- International ship security certificate is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL) last survey in Turkey on 28/09/2009 by Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL) last survey in Turkey on 16/03/2009 by Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL) last survey in Turkey on 16/03/2009 by Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
Ship manager
- Arkas Holding AS, Turkey
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Emergency fire pump
- Emergency steering

Inspection details :
Date of first boarding :01/12/2009
Date of final boarding :01/12/2009
Port of inspection :La Rochelle- La Pallice, France.
Type of inspection :More detailed inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) :0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number :9394222
Flag :Turkey
Callsign :TCSP6
Ship type :Bulk carrier
Gross tonnage :14116
Keel date :2005
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates :
- International Anti-fouling System Certificate is issued by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK)
- International sewage pollution prevention certific is issued by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK)
- Doc.of compliance dangerous goods  is issued by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK) last survey in Turkey on 27/10/2009 by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK)
Ship manager
- Kaptanoglu Shipmanagement, Turkey
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
Operational controls carried out
- Communication equipment
- Emergency steering
- Other
- 15 ppm OWS tested

Inspection details :
Date of first boarding :04/12/2009
Date of final boarding :04/12/2009
Port of inspection :Constanta, Romania.
Type of inspection :More detailed inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) :0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number :7726213
Flag :Turkey
Callsign :TCFL
Ship type :General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage :2445
Keel date :1978
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates :
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 29/04/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
- Karma Gemi Isletmeciligi, Turkey
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Abandon ship drill
- Communication equipment
- Emergency fire pump
- Emergency steering

Inspection details :
Date of first boarding :15/12/2009
Date of final boarding :15/12/2009
Port of inspection :Constanta, Romania.
Type of inspection :Expanded inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) :0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number :7389716
Flag :Turkey
Callsign :TCLD
Ship type :Chemical tanker
Gross tonnage :1735
Keel date :1974
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates :
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 20/08/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 20/08/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 20/08/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Cargo holds / tanks
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Abandon ship drill
- Communication equipment
- Emergency fire pump
- Emergency generator
- Emergency steering
- Other
- 15 ppm OWS tested

Inspection details :
Date of first boarding :29/12/2009
Date of final boarding :29/12/2009
Port of inspection :Constanta, Romania.
Type of inspection :More detailed inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) :0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number :8218419
Flag :Turkey
Callsign :TCBN2
Ship type :General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage :1995
Keel date :1982
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates :
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Communication equipment
- Emergency fire pump
- Emergency steering
- 15 ppm OWS tested

Inspection details :
Date of first boarding :15/12/2009
Date of final boarding :15/12/2009
Port of inspection :Barletta, Italy.
Type of inspection :More detailed inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) :0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number :8202965
Flag :Turkey
Callsign :TCTI
Ship type :General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage :2659
Keel date :1990
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates :
- International ship security certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 01/04/2009 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) last survey in Turkey on 12/01/2009 by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
Ship manager
- Tuncmete Denizcilik Ticaret, ISTANBUL, Turkey
- FERTILSUD S.r.l., Spinazzola, Italy
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Communication equipment
- Emergency fire pump
- Fire drill
- 15 ppm OWS tested

Inspection details :
Date of first boarding :23/12/2009
Date of final boarding :23/12/2009
Port of inspection :Civitavecchia, Italy.
Type of inspection :Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) :0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number :9106948
Flag :Turkey
Callsign :TCTM
Ship type :Containership
Gross tonnage :3410
Keel date :1994
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates :
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 23/03/2009 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
Ship manager
- Temel Kum Cakil, Turkey
- Panfertil Spa, Via Burchiella, 14 - 48100, Ravenna, Italy
Areas inspected :
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Communication equipment
- Emergency generator
- 15 ppm OWS tested

Inspection details :
Date of first boarding :18/12/2009
Date of final boarding :18/12/2009
Port of inspection :Mosjoen, Norway.
Type of inspection :Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) :0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number :9470844
Flag :Turkey
Callsign :TC TG4
Ship type :Bulk carrier
Gross tonnage :17023
Keel date :2008
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates :
- International Anti-fouling System Certificate is issued by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK)
- International sewage pollution prevention certific is issued by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK) last survey in Argentina on 13/07/2009 by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK) last survey in Argentina on 13/07/2009 by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK) last survey in Argentina on 13/07/2009 by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK)
Ship manager
- Ince Denizcilik ve Ticaret AS, Turkey
Areas inspected :
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle

Inspection details :
Date of first boarding :07/12/2009
Date of final boarding :07/12/2009
Port of inspection :Galati, Romania.
Type of inspection :Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) :0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number :9001112
Flag :Turkey
Callsign :TCKK
Ship type :General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage :1866
Keel date :1988
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates :
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 08/09/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Greece on 10/03/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
- Kafkametler Denizcilik, Turkey
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Communication equipment

Inspection details :
Date of first boarding :22/12/2009
Date of final boarding :22/12/2009
Port of inspection :Constanta, Romania.
Type of inspection :Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) :0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number :8311534
Flag :Turkey
Callsign :TCHW
Ship type :General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage :1995
Keel date :1981
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates :
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 15/11/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
- Inandilar Denizcilik, Turkey
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- 15 ppm OWS tested

Inspection details :
Date of first boarding :21/12/2009
Date of final boarding :21/12/2009
Port of inspection :Constanta, Romania.
Type of inspection :More detailed inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) :0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number :8332100
Flag :Turkey
Callsign :TCKI
Ship type :General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage :2160
Keel date :1983
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates :
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 06/07/2009 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
Ship manager
- Miller & Flama Denizcilik, Turkey
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Communication equipment
- Emergency fire pump
- Emergency steering
- 15 ppm OWS tested

Inspection details :
Date of first boarding :11/12/2009
Date of final boarding :11/12/2009
Port of inspection :Koper, Slovenia.
Type of inspection :Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) :0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number :9396701
Flag :Turkey
Callsign :TCTC4
Ship type :General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage :3243
Keel date :2006
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Registro Italiano Navale (RINA), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates :
- International Anti-fouling System Certificate is issued by Registro Italiano Navale (RINA)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Registro Italiano Navale (RINA)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Registro Italiano Navale (RINA)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Registro Italiano Navale (RINA)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 26/08/2009 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
Ship manager
- Den-ta Denizcilik, Turkey
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle

Inspection details :
Date of first boarding :02/12/2009
Date of final boarding :02/12/2009
Port of inspection :Galati, Romania.
Type of inspection :More detailed inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) :0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number :9343950
Flag :Turkey
Callsign :TCOJ7
Ship type :General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage :4565
Keel date :2005
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
- Class certificate issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates :
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 29/04/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 03/03/2009 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
Ship manager
- Karma Gemi Isletmeciligi, Turkey
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Communication equipment
- Emergency fire pump
- Fire drill

Inspection details :
Date of first boarding :18/12/2009
Date of final boarding :18/12/2009
Port of inspection :Torre annunziata, Italy.
Type of inspection :Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) :0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number :9212785
Flag :Turkey
Callsign :TCDM
Ship type :General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage :1868
Keel date :1998
Statutory certificates :
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 16/09/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 21/08/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
- Grup Denizcilik Sanayi, Turkey
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Navigation bridge

Inspection details :
Date of first boarding :23/12/2009
Date of final boarding :23/12/2009
Port of inspection :Bordeaux (PA), France.
Type of inspection :Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) :0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number :9479668
Name :NENA K
Flag :Turkey
Callsign :TCTR4
Ship type :Oil tanker
Gross tonnage :4218
Keel date :2007
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates :
- International Anti-fouling System Certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International sewage pollution prevention certific is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Doc.of compliance dangerous goods  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 26/08/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
- KTankering & Ship Management, Turkey
Areas inspected :
- Navigation bridge

Inspection details :
Date of first boarding :01/12/2009
Date of final boarding :01/12/2009
Port of inspection :Vasto, Italy.
Type of inspection :Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) :0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number :9280225
Flag :Turkey
Callsign :TCCU6
Ship type :General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage :2655
Keel date :2002
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates :
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
- Denizsan Gemi, Turkey
Areas inspected :
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
Operational controls carried out
- Emergency steering
- 15 ppm OWS tested

Inspection details :
Date of first boarding :22/12/2009
Date of final boarding :22/12/2009
Port of inspection :Milazzo, Italy.
Type of inspection :Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) :0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number :9404950
Flag :Turkey
Callsign :TCTG7
Ship type :Oil tanker
Gross tonnage :79934
Keel date :2008
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates :
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Lloyd's Register (LR)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Lloyd's Register (LR) last survey in Turkey on 21/05/2009 by Lloyd's Register (LR)
Ship manager
- Gungen Denizcilik, Turkey
- Clearlake, London, United Kingdom

Inspection details :
Date of first boarding :14/12/2009
Date of final boarding :15/12/2009
Port of inspection :Calais, France.
Type of inspection :Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) :0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number :9041124
Name :SAFRAN-1
Flag :Turkey
Callsign :TCVF
Ship type :General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage :2805
Keel date :1989
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates :
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 30/01/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
- Manta Denizcilik Nakliyat, Turkey
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Other
- 15 ppm OWS tested

Inspection details :
Date of first boarding :16/12/2009
Date of final boarding :16/12/2009
Port of inspection :Burgas, Bulgaria.
Type of inspection :Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) :0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number :9423853
Flag :Turkey
Callsign :TCTF2
Ship type :General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage :5574
Keel date :2006
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates :
- International Anti-fouling System Certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International sewage pollution prevention certific is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Other (Class Not Specified)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 08/08/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 08/08/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 08/08/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
- Cihan Denizcilik Petrol, Turkey
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle

Inspection details :
Date of first boarding :22/12/2009
Date of final boarding :22/12/2009
Port of inspection :Constanta, Romania.
Type of inspection :Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) :0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number :8201002
Flag :Turkey
Callsign :TCKB
Ship type :General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage :3996
Keel date :1979
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
- Class certificate issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates :
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) last survey in Turkey on 08/11/2009 by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 29/04/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
- Karma Gemi Isletmeciligi, Turkey
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Emergency steering

Inspection details :
Date of first boarding :15/12/2009
Date of final boarding :15/12/2009
Port of inspection :Valencia, Spain.
Type of inspection :More detailed inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) :0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number :8411841
Flag :Turkey
Callsign :TCZC
Ship type :Containership
Gross tonnage :6819
Keel date :1985
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
- Class certificate issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates :
- International ship security certificate is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL) last survey in Turkey on 06/06/2009 by Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL) last survey in Turkey on 06/06/2009 by Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL) last survey in Turkey on 06/06/2009 by Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL) last survey in Turkey on 15/05/2009 by Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL) last survey in Turkey on 17/03/2009 by Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
Ship manager
- Arkas Holding AS, Turkey
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
Operational controls carried out
- Communication equipment

Inspection details :
Date of first boarding :29/12/2009
Date of final boarding :29/12/2009
Port of inspection :Antikyra, Greece.
Type of inspection :Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) :0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number :9395185
Flag :Turkey
Callsign :TCSQ2
Ship type :General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage :2963
Keel date :2005
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates :
- International Anti-fouling System Certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 09/04/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 09/04/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 24/03/2009 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
Ship manager
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Communication equipment
- Emergency fire pump

Inspection details :
Date of first boarding :29/12/2009
Date of final boarding :29/12/2009
Port of inspection :Trieste, Italy.
Type of inspection :Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) :0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number :9293428
Flag :Turkey
Callsign :TCCA8
Ship type :Ro-ro cargo ship
Gross tonnage :29004
Keel date :2005
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates :
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC) last survey in Turkey on 06/08/2009 by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC) last survey in Turkey on 27/04/2009 by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC) last survey in Turkey on 27/04/2009 by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC)
Ship manager
- Bluewater Ship Management Ltd, United Kingdom

Inspection details :
Date of first boarding :17/12/2009
Date of final boarding :17/12/2009
Port of inspection :Salerno, Italy.
Type of inspection :Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) :0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number :9300659
Flag :Turkey
Callsign :TCPS8
Ship type :Containership
Gross tonnage :14193
Keel date :2004
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding
Statutory certificates :
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
- International sewage pollution prevention certific is issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
- International ship security certificate is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
Ship manager
- Arkas Holding AS, Turkey
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Editör: TE Bilişim