0 Eksikli Gemi Sayısında Rekor

Eylül 2009 Ayında Paris MOU Denetlemelerinden 0 eksikle çıkan gemi sayısında rekor kırıldı. Tam 33 gemi yapılan denetlemelerden "SIFIR" eksikle çıkarken; Paris MOU limanlarında denetlenen Türk Bayraklı gemi sayısı da 71 olarak aylık bazda bir başka rekora imza attı.

PARIS MOU kaynaklarından elde edilen bilgilere göre; Eylül 2009 ayı içerisinde Paris MOU limanlarında 71 gemi denetlenirken; 33 gemi denetlemelerden SIFIR eksikle çıkmayı başardı, 3 gemimiz ise tutuldu.

Sıfır eksikle çıkan gemi oranında iyileşme görülürken; denetlenen gemi/tutulan gemi oranı aylık bazda %4,22 olarak bir önceki aya oranla küçük de olsa kötüye gidiş gösterdi.

  • Haziran 2009 ayında ise Paris MOU limanlarında 66 Türk Bayraklı gemi denetlenmiş, 23 gemi sıfır eksikle çıkmayı başarırken. 2 gemimiz tutulmuştu.
  • Temmuz 2009 ayı içerisinde Paris MOU limanlarında 63 gemi denetlenirken; 19 gemi denetlemelerden SIFIR eksikle çıkmayı başarmış, 4 gemimiz ise tutulmuştu. Tutulma oranı rekor kırarak %6,3 olmuştu.
  • Ağustos 2009 ayında ise 50 Türk Bayraklı gemi  denetlenirken; 20 gemi denetlemelerden SIFIR eksikle çıkmayı başarmış, 2 gemimiz ise tutulmuştu. Bu ay tutulma oranı iyileşme göstererek %4 olmuştu.
  • Eylül 2009 ayında ise 71 Türk Bayraklı gemi  denetlendi. 33 gemi denetlemelerden SIFIR eksikle çıkmayı başardı. 3 gemimiz ise tutulmdu. Tutulma oranı Temmuz 2009 kadar kötü olmasa da önceki aya oranla negatif sapma gösterdi: %4.22

Özet olarak; EYLÜL 2009 ayında Paris MOU limanlarında;

  • Toplam 71 Türk Bayraklı gemi denetlendi. (Mayıs ayında 51, Haziran ayında 66, Temmuz ayında 63, Ağustos ayında 50 gemi denetlenmişti)
  • 33 Gemi 0 eksikle denetlemelerden çıktı. ( Mayıs ayında 23 gemi, Haziran ayında 24 gemi, Temmuz ayında 19 gemi, Ağustos ayında 20 gemi 0 eksikle çıkmıştı)
  • Dursun Çavuşoğlu; Venedik/İtalya'da, Ayhan Bayraktar, Venedik/İtalya'da; ZOPPUN; Temruk/Rusya'da olmak üzere 3 gemimiz tutuldu. (Önceki ay tutulan gemi sayısı 2 olmuştu) 
  • 0 Eksikle çıkma oranı %46; Tutulma oranı ise %4,22 oldu. (Bir önceki ay 0 eksikle çıkma oranı %40,1; Tutulma oranı ise %4 idi)

Denetlenen gemi sayısı fazla

Bu sonuçlarını kısaca değerlendirmek gerekirse; öne çıkan husus "Beyaz listeye girmiş olan Türk Bayrağının neden hala bu kadar yüksek oranda denetime tabi tutulduğudur". Yapılan denetleme sayıları bize Türk bayrağı'nın beyaz listeye girmiş olmasına rağmen AB limanlarında hala Target Flag (Hedef Bayrak) olmaktan çıkarılmadığı izlenimini uyandırmaktadır. Gerçi Türk Bayrağı 33 gemisiyle SIFIR eksikle çıkarak iyi bir imtihan vermiştir. Ama neden AB Limanlarında hala PSC denetçileri Türk Gemilerine çıkmaya bu derece meraklıdır, bu soruyu sormamak mümkün değil. Çünkü bu şekilde devam ederse, Beyaz Bayrağa geçmiş olan Türk Bayrağı  diğer bayraklardan geçiş için yeterince özendirici olamayacaktır.

İşte Paris MOU Limanlarında geçtiğimiz ay 0 eksikle çıkarak ülkemizin yüzünü ağartan ve DenizHaber "Gurur Madalyası" adayı olmaya hak kazanan 33 Gemi:


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 07/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 07/09/2009
Port of inspection : Galati, Romania.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 9361263
Name : ADNAN N
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCPK2
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 2827
Keel date : 2005
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 02/07/2008 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
- ranamarine denizcilik tic. sad, 5 plaza kat. 2 nr. 60 kadikoy, istanbul, Turkey 
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Communication equipment 


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 21/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 21/09/2009
Port of inspection : Volos, Greece.
Type of inspection : More detailed inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 9420394
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCSQ5
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 4109
Keel date : 2005
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 23/07/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 22/10/2008 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
- Sinomar Deniz Isletmeciligi AS, Kayisdagi Cad N0184 Metehat ca.3, Istanbul, Turkey 
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Abandon ship drill 
- 15 ppm OWS tested 


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 08/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 08/09/2009
Port of inspection : Cagliari, Italy.
Type of inspection : More detailed inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 9366421
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCOL6
Ship type : Containership
Gross tonnage : 9978
Keel date : 2006
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- International ship security certificate is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) last survey in Turkey on 27/05/2009 by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) last survey in Turkey on 01/01/2009 by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) last survey in Turkey on 01/01/2009 by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
Ship manager
- Kasif Denizcilik AS, Turkey 
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Cargo holds / tanks
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- 15 ppm OWS tested 


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 28/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 28/09/2009
Port of inspection : Zadar, Croatia.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 8507717
Name : AZIZE
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCFD
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 2035
Keel date : 1982
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- International ship security certificate is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) last survey in Turkey on 21/08/2009 by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) last survey in Turkey on 19/02/2009 by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
Ship manager
- Naklet Denizcilik, Turkey 
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Communication equipment 
- Emergency fire pump 
- Emergency steering 
- Fire drill 
- 15 ppm OWS tested 


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 11/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 11/09/2009
Port of inspection : Elefsis, Greece.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 8326890
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCDH
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 2206
Keel date : 1981
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- International ship security certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 25/04/2009 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 25/04/2009 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 25/04/2009 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 01/04/2009 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
Ship manager
- Tuncmete Denizcilik Ticaret, Turkey 
- Halyvourgiki S.A, 8, Dragatsaniou, Athens, Greece 
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 12/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 12/09/2009
Port of inspection : Constanta, Romania.
Type of inspection : Expanded inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 8003905
Name : DEFNE D
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCVQ
Ship type : Chemical tanker
Gross tonnage : 2780
Keel date : 1980
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
- Class certificate issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
- Class certificate issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- International Anti-fouling System Certificate is issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL) last survey in Turkey on 26/03/2009 by Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
- Danger.chemical bulk cof/bc-code  is issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL) last survey in Turkey on 25/03/2009 by Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
Ship manager
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Abandon ship drill 
- Communication equipment 
- Emergency fire pump 
- Emergency generator 
- Emergency steering 
- 15 ppm OWS tested 


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 10/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 10/09/2009
Port of inspection : Constanta, Romania.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 9207261
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCDR
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 4721
Keel date : 1999
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK)
- International ship security certificate is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK) last survey in Turkey on 23/07/2009 by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) last survey in Turkey on 18/10/2008 by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
Ship manager
- Bayraktar Gemi, Turkey 
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 30/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 30/09/2009
Port of inspection : Burgas, Bulgaria.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 9353163
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCPL4
Ship type : Oil tanker
Gross tonnage : 1949
Keel date : 2004
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- International Anti-fouling System Certificate is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- International sewage pollution prevention certific is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Other (Class Not Specified)
Ship manager
- Transpasifik Denizcilik, Turkey 
- LITASCO,  Geneve, Switzerland 
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Ballast tanks
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 16/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 16/09/2009
Port of inspection : Varna, Bulgaria.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 7433347
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCLM
Ship type : Bulk carrier
Gross tonnage : 9669
Keel date : 1976
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- International Anti-fouling System Certificate is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) last survey in Turkey on 24/08/2009 by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) last survey in Turkey on 24/08/2009 by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC) last survey in Turkey on 15/05/2009 by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) last survey in Turkey on 24/08/2008 by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
Ship manager
- Deval Shipping & Trading Co, Turkey 
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 24/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 24/09/2009
Port of inspection : Burgas, Bulgaria.
Type of inspection : More detailed inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 9385427
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCPK3
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 2313
Keel date : 2005
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- International Anti-fouling System Certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 15/06/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 23/03/2009 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
Ship manager
- Temel Kum Cakil, Turkey 
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Abandon ship drill 
- Communication equipment 
- Emergency fire pump 
- Emergency steering 
- Other 


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 24/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 24/09/2009
Port of inspection : Gdansk, Poland.
Type of inspection : More detailed inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 9527271
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCTP5
Ship type : Bulk carrier
Gross tonnage : 39737
Keel date : 2004
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- International Anti-fouling System Certificate is issued by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK)
- International sewage pollution prevention certific is issued by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK) last survey in Turkey on 09/06/2009 by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK)
Ship manager
- Ince Denizcilik ve Ticaret AS, Turkey 
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Communication equipment 
- Emergency fire pump 
- Emergency generator 
- Emergency steering 
- 15 ppm OWS tested 


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 04/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 04/09/2009
Port of inspection : Galati, Romania.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 9326043
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCCW6
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 2484
Keel date : 2003
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
- Grup Denizcilik, Turkey 
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Communication equipment 


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 08/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 08/09/2009
Port of inspection : Burgas, Bulgaria.
Type of inspection : More detailed inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 9493377
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCTM5
Ship type : Chemical tanker
Gross tonnage : 8705
Keel date : 2006
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- International Anti-fouling System Certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International sewage pollution prevention certific is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL) last survey in Turkey on 13/02/2009 by Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
Ship manager
- TRANS KA Tanker Management Co, Turkey 
- NAFTEX PETROL LTD., Varna, Bulgaria 
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Cargo holds / tanks
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Communication equipment 
- Emergency fire pump 
- Emergency generator 
- Emergency steering 
- 15 ppm OWS tested 


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 08/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 08/09/2009
Port of inspection : Bari, Italy.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 7364273
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCIY
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 1998
Keel date : 1973
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- International Anti-fouling System Certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Other (Class Not Specified)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 12/06/2009 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
Ship manager
- Yilmaz Denizcilik, Turkey 
- CHRISTOFOROS PADVLIDIS S.A., 292 Km, Thessaloniki, Greece 
Areas inspected :
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Emergency fire pump 


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 02/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 02/09/2009
Port of inspection : Constanta, Romania.
Type of inspection : More detailed inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 7920479
Name : KEREM E
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCWZ5
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 2319
Keel date : 1979
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
Ship manager
- Istanbul Deniz Ticaret Ltd Sti, Turkey 
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Abandon ship drill 
- Communication equipment 
- Emergency fire pump 
- Emergency generator 
- Emergency steering 
- Other 
- 15 ppm OWS tested 


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 18/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 18/09/2009
Port of inspection : Liepaja, Latvia.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 9489572
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCWP5
Ship type : Chemical tanker
Gross tonnage : 4236
Keel date : 2007
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- International Anti-fouling System Certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Danger.chemical bulk cof/ibc-code  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International sewage pollution prevention certific is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL) last survey in Turkey on 13/02/2009 by Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
Ship manager
- TRANS KA Tanker Management Co, Turkey 


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 15/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 15/09/2009
Port of inspection : Marseille (PA), France.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 9387126
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCSN3
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 2885
Keel date : 2005
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 14/08/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 18/06/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 18/06/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
- Selmar Denizcilik Sanayi, Turkey 
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Emergency fire pump 


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 25/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 25/09/2009
Port of inspection : Galati, Romania.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 7702748
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCBD4
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 865
Keel date : 1977
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- International ship security certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 26/08/2009 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
Ship manager
- den ta denizcilik tikaret, koruma cad.4/6, istanbul, Turkey 
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Emergency steering 


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 08/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 08/09/2009
Port of inspection : Ortona, Italy.
Type of inspection : More detailed inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 8943351

Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCCM3
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 1243
Keel date : 1996
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- International ship security certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 13/08/2009 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 25/11/2008 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
Ship manager
- Tayf Denizcilik, Turkey 
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
Operational controls carried out
- Communication equipment 
- Emergency fire pump 
- Emergency steering 


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 11/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 11/09/2009
Port of inspection : Elefsis, Greece.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 8947876
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCBA9
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 906
Keel date : 1992
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 25/11/2008 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
Ship manager
- Tayf Denizcilik, Turkey 
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Emergency steering 


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 30/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 30/09/2009
Port of inspection : Constanta, Romania.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 8127323
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCNZ
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 1957
Keel date : 1981
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) last survey in Turkey on 10/08/2009 by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
Ship manager
- Haci Ibrahim Hacibekiroglu, Turkey 
- TRANSAMONIA AG, Switzerland 
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 23/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 23/09/2009
Port of inspection : Riga, Latvia.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 7403055
Name : NAZO-S
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCOO 6
Ship type : Chemical tanker
Gross tonnage : 2123
Keel date : 1974
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Danger.chemical bulk cof/ibc-code  is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 13/04/2009 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 07/04/2009 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)
Ship manager
- TSC Denizcilik ve Ticaret, Turkey 
- Domeco Bodegas, Valencia, Spain 


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 30/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 30/09/2009
Port of inspection : Constanta, Romania.
Type of inspection : More detailed inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 9410131
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCTI6
Ship type : Chemical tanker
Gross tonnage : 12619
Keel date : 2006
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Other (Class Not Specified)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) last survey in Turkey on 04/09/2009 by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) last survey in Turkey on 04/09/2009 by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 15/04/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
- VBG Denizcilik Sanayi, Turkey 
- Masterchem Oil, Malta 
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Emergency fire pump 
- Emergency steering 
- 15 ppm OWS tested 


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 14/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 14/09/2009
Port of inspection : Valencia, Spain.
Type of inspection : More detailed inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 9409895
Name : OFMAR
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCSU5
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 6369
Keel date : 2006
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- International Anti-fouling System Certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
- Atasoy Uluslararasi, Turkey 
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Abandon ship drill 


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 22/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 22/09/2009
Port of inspection : Rhodes island, Greece.
Type of inspection : More detailed inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 8129474
Name : ORKAN
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCYG
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 2241
Keel date : 1981
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- International ship security certificate is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) last survey in Turkey on 21/09/2009 by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) last survey in Turkey on 30/04/2009 by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
Ship manager
- Naklet Denizcilik, Turkey 
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Abandon ship drill 
- Communication equipment 
- Emergency fire pump 
- Emergency generator 
- Emergency steering 


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 02/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 02/09/2009
Port of inspection : Trieste, Italy.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 9293416
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCCU7
Ship type : Ro-ro cargo ship
Gross tonnage : 29004
Keel date : 2004
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- Doc.of compliance dangerous goods  is issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC)
- International sewage pollution prevention certific is issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC) last survey in Turkey on 03/02/2009 by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC) last survey in Turkey on 03/02/2009 by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC) last survey in Turkey on 03/02/2009 by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC) last survey in Italy on 30/06/2008 by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC) last survey in Italy on 24/06/2008 by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC)
Ship manager
- Bluewater Ship Management Ltd, United Kingdom 
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Communication equipment 
- Emergency generator 
- 15 ppm OWS tested 


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 04/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 04/09/2009
Port of inspection : Elefsis, Greece.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 9420162
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCSS2
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 2875
Keel date : 2005
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- International Anti-fouling System Certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 12/08/2008 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 12/08/2008 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
- Selmar Denizcilik Sanayi, Turkey 
- ''Selchart'', Istanbul, Turkey 
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 02/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 02/09/2009
Port of inspection : Rouen (PA), France.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 9334313
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCPK8
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 9490
Keel date : 2004
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 18/06/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 14/11/2008 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 14/11/2008 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
- Sonay Denizcilik Ltd Sti, Turkey 
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Communication equipment 
- Emergency steering 
- Other 
- 15 ppm OWS tested 


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 16/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 16/09/2009
Port of inspection : Trieste, Italy.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 9356737
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCTD2
Ship type : Ro-ro cargo ship
Gross tonnage : 29004
Keel date : 2007
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC)
- Tonnage certificate  is issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC) last survey in Turkey on 11/05/2009 by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC) last survey in Turkey on 11/05/2009 by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC) last survey in Turkey on 11/05/2009 by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC)
Ship manager
- Bluewater Ship Management Ltd, United Kingdom 
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Car deck
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Other 


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 10/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 10/09/2009
Port of inspection : Trieste, Italy.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 9242388
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCCJ5
Ship type : Ro-ro cargo ship
Gross tonnage : 26469
Keel date : 2001
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC) last survey in Turkey on 15/11/2008 by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC) last survey in Turkey on 15/11/2008 by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC)
Ship manager
- Bluewater Ship Management Ltd, United Kingdom 
Areas inspected :
- Engine and steering room
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Other 
- 15 ppm OWS tested 


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 17/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 17/09/2009
Port of inspection : Constanta, Romania.
Type of inspection : Initial inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 9433092
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCSZ3
Ship type : Chemical tanker
Gross tonnage : 2222
Keel date : 2006
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- International Anti-fouling System Certificate is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- International sewage pollution prevention certific is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
- Chemfleet, Turkey 
- BIO-OILS, Spain 
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Communication equipment 


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 15/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 15/09/2009
Port of inspection : Cagliari, Italy.
Type of inspection : More detailed inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 9238076
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCTP
Ship type : Containership
Gross tonnage : 14193
Keel date : 2000
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
- International ship security certificate is issued by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- Load lines certificates  is issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL) last survey in Turkey on 04/10/2008 by Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Germanischer Lloyd (GL) last survey in Turkey on 04/10/2008 by Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
Ship manager
- Arkas Holding AS, Turkey 
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Cargo holds / tanks
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Emergency generator 
- Other 
- 15 ppm OWS tested 


Inspection details :
Date of first boarding : 30/09/2009
Date of final boarding : 30/09/2009
Port of inspection : Constanta, Romania.
Type of inspection : More detailed inspection
Nb of deficiency(ies) : 0
Ship's particulars at the time of inspection :
IMO number : 9217577
Flag : Turkey
Callsign : TCCH4
Ship type : General cargo - multipurpose ship
Gross tonnage : 1233
Keel date : 1999
Classification society :
- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boarding 
Statutory certificates :
- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International ship security certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 14/08/2009 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Cert is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 02/12/2008 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 02/12/2008 by Bureau Veritas (BV)
Ship manager
- Selmar Denizcilik Sanayi, Turkey 
Areas inspected :
- Accommodation and galley
- Engine and steering room
- Navigation bridge
- Outside decks and forecastle
Operational controls carried out
- Communication equipment 
- Emergency fire pump 
- Emergency steering 
- Fire drill 

Editör: TE Bilişim